Project Summary
NEWBRAIN PLUS is the follow up project proposal of NEWBRAIN (COD 504) and it aims at increasing the awareness among the European, National and Macro-regional stakeholders in the field of logistics and transport about the importance of the role of Motorways of the Sea in the Adriatic-Ionian region and their connection to land transport infrastructures for the freight transport flows between the two shores of the Adriatic-Ionian Sea.
NEWBRAIN PLUS will promote and enhance the NEWBRAIN transnational strategy signed by all project partners that identified a list of common areas of interest for the strengthening of transnational institutional cooperation during the next programming period (2021-2027). Moreover, NEWBRAIN PLUS will also refer to the conclusions of the Policy Paper realized in the framework of ADRION Thematic Cluster 4 “Integrated multimodal sustainable water and land transport” coordinated by LP Central Adriatic Ports Authority (Italy.
NEWBRAIN PLUS intends to achieve the main objective through the realization of a public event in Ancona aimed at engaging European, Macro-regional and National stakeholders in a high-level debate over the role of the Adriatic-Ionian transport and logistics nodes for the connections between Southern-East Med areas and Western and Central Eu regions, with a look on how the pandemic crisis changed the interaction between players and economic factors in the field of transport and logistics. The event will include an “on board” part where thematic sessions on specific topics related to the transport and logistics field will be organized on board of a ferry line along one of the Motorways of the Sea based in the port of Ancona.
Moreover, the PP4-Intermodal Transport Cluster (HR) and PP5-Piraeus Chamber of Small and Medium Sized Industries (Greece) will organize a national meeting with the involvement of National authorities in the field of transport and logistics to promote the NEWBRAIN transnational strategy and stimulate a debate over land and sea connections in the Adriatic-Ionian regions.
The enhancement of NEWBRAIN transnational strategy will be pursued also through the realization of a follow up report that will collect the conclusions of the WPC high-level events with the aim to revise or integrate pre-identified common cooperation areas including considerations on the shift to a “new-normal” environment after the COVID-19 crisis and to mainstream the EUSAIR policy objectives of Pillar II into the new cooperation framework.
The strong cooperation established by the partners within NEWBRAIN project and the cross-cutting competences and experiences they represent ensure the efficient achievement of project objectives. Communication activities will focus on digital channels in order to widely promote the NEWBRIAN PLUS objectives to the selected target group.
NEWBRAIN PLUS will promote and enhance the NEWBRAIN transnational strategy signed by all project partners that identified a list of common areas of interest for the strengthening of transnational institutional cooperation during the next programming period (2021-2027). Moreover, NEWBRAIN PLUS will also refer to the conclusions of the Policy Paper realized in the framework of ADRION Thematic Cluster 4 “Integrated multimodal sustainable water and land transport” coordinated by LP Central Adriatic Ports Authority (Italy.
NEWBRAIN PLUS intends to achieve the main objective through the realization of a public event in Ancona aimed at engaging European, Macro-regional and National stakeholders in a high-level debate over the role of the Adriatic-Ionian transport and logistics nodes for the connections between Southern-East Med areas and Western and Central Eu regions, with a look on how the pandemic crisis changed the interaction between players and economic factors in the field of transport and logistics. The event will include an “on board” part where thematic sessions on specific topics related to the transport and logistics field will be organized on board of a ferry line along one of the Motorways of the Sea based in the port of Ancona.
Moreover, the PP4-Intermodal Transport Cluster (HR) and PP5-Piraeus Chamber of Small and Medium Sized Industries (Greece) will organize a national meeting with the involvement of National authorities in the field of transport and logistics to promote the NEWBRAIN transnational strategy and stimulate a debate over land and sea connections in the Adriatic-Ionian regions.
The enhancement of NEWBRAIN transnational strategy will be pursued also through the realization of a follow up report that will collect the conclusions of the WPC high-level events with the aim to revise or integrate pre-identified common cooperation areas including considerations on the shift to a “new-normal” environment after the COVID-19 crisis and to mainstream the EUSAIR policy objectives of Pillar II into the new cooperation framework.
The strong cooperation established by the partners within NEWBRAIN project and the cross-cutting competences and experiences they represent ensure the efficient achievement of project objectives. Communication activities will focus on digital channels in order to widely promote the NEWBRIAN PLUS objectives to the selected target group.
Restricted fourth call for proposals – Priority Axes 1, 2 and 3
Project Acronym
Project Number
Programme Priority
3) Connected Region
Specific objective
Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2022-01-01 – 2022-06-30
Total budget
EUR 149,365.01
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
IPAII budget
Project Social media
The Project NEWBRAIN PLUS is a follow-up of the previous funded project NEWBRAIN, if you want to learn more about its genesis, original proposal and partnership, you can click on the button below.
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner
Central Adriatic Ports Authority
Development, promotion, statistics, communication and EU projects Unit
Molo S. Maria, snc | 60121 – Ancona
Contact person
Mr. Guido Vettorel,
Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation
Via Aldo Moro, 38 | 40127 – Bologna
Contact person
Mr. Giuseppe Luppino,
Intermodal Transport Cluster
TINA UJEVIĆA , 52A | 510000 – Rijeka
Contact person
KARAISKOU, 111 | GR-185 – 32 Piraeus
Contact person
ZAILOG scarl
Via Sommacampagna , 61 | 37137 – Verona
Contact person
Mr. Paolo Lunardi,
Project Summary
NEWBRAIN project aims at boosting the relevance of the Adriatic-Ionian core nodes system for the economic and social integration of the programme area, in the framework of the European transport policy and TEN-T network as key gates connecting Central and Western Europe with the South-East Europe and Mediterranean countries.
The project addresses various infrastructural gaps and technological, procedural and organisational bottlenecks detected at local level and impacting on the smoothness of the regional transport system, by adopting a joint and transnational approach aimed at stimulating the coordinated development of physical and non-physical infrastructure and to enhance the capacity to launch feasible investments.
The transnational cooperation of the 9 logistics and transports nodes project partners, key institutions for the planning of infrastructural investments in transport and logistic sectors of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region area, is expected to unlock the potential for investments through the participation to EU funding schemes for the implementation of efficient, environment-friendly and low carbon transport systems, and to ensure active and long-term cooperation in different financing initiatives.
These results are achieved through the setting up of the Adriatic Ionian intermodal and logistic Network as stable and sustainable cooperation framework for the achievement of innovative efficient transport infrastructure and environmental friendly and low carbon transport system, agreed in the NEWBRAIN transnational strategy to be adopted by all partners. The elaboration of Action Plans in each node allows the definition of priority actions in terms of technical and financial readiness and supports the preparatory and technical studies needed to apply to main European financial programmes (e.g. CEF, EFSI, ..) through the transnational cooperation initiatives whose final scope is the concrete implementation of the Eu transport network.
The project addresses various infrastructural gaps and technological, procedural and organisational bottlenecks detected at local level and impacting on the smoothness of the regional transport system, by adopting a joint and transnational approach aimed at stimulating the coordinated development of physical and non-physical infrastructure and to enhance the capacity to launch feasible investments.
The transnational cooperation of the 9 logistics and transports nodes project partners, key institutions for the planning of infrastructural investments in transport and logistic sectors of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region area, is expected to unlock the potential for investments through the participation to EU funding schemes for the implementation of efficient, environment-friendly and low carbon transport systems, and to ensure active and long-term cooperation in different financing initiatives.
These results are achieved through the setting up of the Adriatic Ionian intermodal and logistic Network as stable and sustainable cooperation framework for the achievement of innovative efficient transport infrastructure and environmental friendly and low carbon transport system, agreed in the NEWBRAIN transnational strategy to be adopted by all partners. The elaboration of Action Plans in each node allows the definition of priority actions in terms of technical and financial readiness and supports the preparatory and technical studies needed to apply to main European financial programmes (e.g. CEF, EFSI, ..) through the transnational cooperation initiatives whose final scope is the concrete implementation of the Eu transport network.
Project Acronym
Project Number
Programme Priority
3) Connected Region
Specific objective
Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2017-12-01 – 2020-12-31
Total budget
EUR 1,495,457.56
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
EUR 1,182,279.91
IPAII budget
EUR 88,859.00
Project Social media
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner